As a participant you should know as much as possible about the clinical trial and feel comfortable asking the members of the health care team questions about the trial, the care expected while in a trial, and the cost of the trial.
The following questions might be helpful for you to discuss with the health care team. Some of the answers to these questions are found in the informed consent document.
- What is the purpose of this study, and what questions will it answer?
- What procedures and tests will be done?
- What are the expected benefits of the treatment or procedure?
- What are the expected risks, harms or inconveniences?
- How long will the study last?
- How often will I need to come to the clinic?
- Will I be reimbursed for my expenses?
- What kind of support from my family and friends will I need?
- Who will pay for my medical care while I am taking part in this study?
- What will happen if my condition gets worse or I am injured?
- What will happen if I decide to leave the study early?
- What will happen if the researchers decide to end the study early?
- What is expected of me?
For additional information, please visit the UCSF Human Research Protection Program